Saturday, September 22, 2007

59x81cm oil on canvas board
This painting went fast, from the time I stretched it over
a particle board,to the moment I sketched it,
till the finished stroke, all within a day.

110.5x80.5cm oil on canvas
I've painted this motif several times, however this one is painted
on top of a painting that I've repainted 3 times with different images.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

50x40cm. oil on canvas
This was painted on a very old canvas, an antique landscape,
perhaps worth millions. Actually it's very satisfying to cover
some of these old landscapes because of the solid layer
make a good foundation.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

34.5x29.5cm oil on canvas
This is another painting that I made on a thick stretcher, about 6cm.
My son threw something sharp at it and it ripped, I patched the
back of the canvas, and it now looks a bit frankenstein- like,
making the piece better, sort of like a survivor with a scar.

Monday, September 17, 2007

107x155cm oil on canvas
Sorry about the glare on the top of the painting, I'm really bad at taking digi-shots of
my paintings, it's as if the sun shines in Denmark everytime I want to photograph
my art.I tried to be free of a solid composition, and loosen up a bit
like the small sketches, I'm still not sure I've succeeded.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oil sketches

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x11cm oil on masonit

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

25.5x10cm oil on mason

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x11cm oil on masonite

18x13cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite
A friend of mine showed me a small painting, and I was rather inspired by its size.
I usually paint on a large scale because it suits my style. At the same time
I was frustrated by the fact that I had more ideas, but my slow production couldn't
keep up with the flow of images I wanted to express. Therefore, this small
scale worked out best as oil sketches of ideas. I think I painted
over 15o of them, so this is just a taste.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

169x64cm oil on canvas
I painted this motif on a small scale, and liked it so much I painted it
twice on a larger scale. One of them I sold to a collector from Germany
and the other is hanging over our sofa. I actually shot an ongoing journal of the progress,
if I find the fotos, I'll add them to the blog. Unfortunately, I've got about 3 years of fotos
that vanished in digital oblivion because of a hard disk snow crash.

33x33cm oil on canvas
I painted this on one of my custom deep frames
that measure 6cm in width.

I painted this several years ago. I covered an old painting which is visible
between the arm and bowl of fruit.
Oil on canvas 85x76cm