Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oil sketches

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x11cm oil on masonit

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

25.5x10cm oil on mason

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x11cm oil on masonite

18x13cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite

18x12cm oil on masonite
A friend of mine showed me a small painting, and I was rather inspired by its size.
I usually paint on a large scale because it suits my style. At the same time
I was frustrated by the fact that I had more ideas, but my slow production couldn't
keep up with the flow of images I wanted to express. Therefore, this small
scale worked out best as oil sketches of ideas. I think I painted
over 15o of them, so this is just a taste.

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